Adorea's Red Caprice |
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Płeć: Suka
Data urodzenia: 0000-00-00
Właściciel: Kontakt:
Hodowla : Adorea's
Badania: HD A,
ED 0/0,
prcd PRA carrier,
CEA/CH normal,
DE normal
Tuldahls Noah |
Lauvstua´s Mascot Keehnu |
Hyflyer's Invincible Max |
Harbourlight's Rip Tide |
Harbourlight's Ala Gatter |
Wabanaki's Village Vixen |
Hyflyer's Foxy Roxanne |
Hyflyer's Greryn Bear |
Willo-B's Scarlet Jasmine |
Lauvstuas Kermenzita |
Sunlit Kevin Mc Tawish |
Birdcherrys Autumn Clear Air |
Sunlit Dame Rosita Mc Tawish |
Anya Acadia Ayr |
Flyingtollers Teddy |
Red-Tollers Beechey |
Happy Trail´s Frieda Jenten |
Happy Trail's Commander Douglas |
Lyonhouse Andrew |
Harbourlight's Scotia Duke of Lyonhouse |
Jem's Hamish's Girl Of Lyonhouse |
Drogstas Alley-Cat |
Riverduck of Drögsta |
Tollers Vilhelmina |
River Duck´s Unika Desti |
Kare Riverduck of Flottatjärn |
Rusty of Littleriver 2nd |
Wabanaki's Blaze of Glory |
Rodahunds Saltstankta Noette |
Harbourlight's Laddie Buck |
Harbourlights Nifty Nickie |
Adorea's Red Alpha |
Andelokkeren's Rode Oskar |
Shaggy Toller's Great Gizmo |
Dienesmindes Odin |
Rocky |
Sproul's Scotia Thistle |
Shaggy Toller's Ayla-L-Ayla |
Bright Flower's Ambassadeur |
Ardunacres Diplomat |
Tueholt Red Rhapsody in Blue |
Flyingtollers Boomer |
Jalna's Gentle Giant |
Jalna's Quips N Quotes |
Tueholt Red Lovable Sunflower |
Ardunacres Fa-antastic |
Tueholt Red Bella Donna |
Logrekroken´s Belle Kimba |
Sunlit Nils Nickolay Zilver Kess |
Jalna´s Zamzam Zilver |
Pikkininokka´s Tyler at the Well |
Jalna´s Molly McGee |
Bay of Fundys Kessie to Sunlit |
Sunlit Kevin Mc Tawish |
Bay of Fundys Cessan |
Jenwill´s Nadia Divisi |
Jenwill´s E Tello |
Westerlea´s Canadian Rockies |
Teufelwalds Gayl |
Kido´s B B |
Flyingtollers Teddy |
Teufelwalds Beauty |
Wspóczynnik inbredu (COI): 0.59 %
Wspóczynnik utraty przodków (AVK): 96.77 %
Wspóczynnik pokrewieństwa rodziców (RC): 1.18 %
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